Tuesday, January 31, 2012

End of the month # 8

Once again it's the end of the month special (^_^) and I am still loss at words here because there aren't a lot of things that occurred lately in my life that is worth sharing to you all. This month is almost as empty as it seems it would be for me, hmmmm.... Maybe because of the fact that I've been training to expand my career without any pay. Yes, I am working without any salary at all and I am very frustrated because my profession is not that promising as I thought it would be, but there is nothing I can do about it, except to just accept things as it is. Yet, another random rant from me :)..

I really would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their visits and support for my blog. I am very sorry for those blogs that I haven't visited because of the fact that I am not that active in my blog nowadays. I can only stay for one to two hours at max. But I will do my best to visit you all back everyday. I really hope that you will all continue to support this random personal blog that I created ^_^..


  1. just be nice to yourself then william. I oso had this kind of feeling lately but one thing i never forget is to not simply giving uo. Chaiyok2 in ur future undertaking.

  2. good luck with your career, hope you'll find a good one soon ~ that comes with pay ;-)

  3. You like exchange link with me!!!I already link your link!!please link me to 2 your blog!!thanks and ill wait for your response!!



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