How many months has it been since you last talked to me
With all of your heart and sincerity
You despise me
Yet you still held me
as if it we are the only persons left in the whole world
So what now, I asked you..
But no words came out from you..
As we continued the night. .
Silence dug deeper in our memory
Sad feeling but the air is not suffocating between us
Rather, it seems like a blissful and warm feeling
I wondered why I feel this way
So once again
I tried to reach with you
Only that, I did not use any words or gestures
I just simply looked you in the eyes
And a flash of images suddenly appeared in my memory
I then came up with a realization
No words can weigh much more
than a simple picture of you standing right in front of me
With all love and sincerity
With nothing else except a simple look in your eyes...